Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wishing, Hoping, and Praying...

First I'll start off with how my weekend was. So it started off really rough. With the year mark of Rachel's death I had a hard time focusing, but I was really excited because I knew Loren and I would be going to Temple Square. So we start off the day with him making german pancakes which were super delicious. I'm glad to say I have a boyfriend who can cook really well and that makes me super happy. So I know when I don't feel like cooking he'll do it for me and I don't have to worry. The only problem is he moves a lot slower than I do in the kitchen. It takes him about twice as long as it would take me to make food. Oh well that's no big deal really. Then he talks to his sister Lindsay because she was in town and we were trying to decide if we wanted lunch or dinner with her. We chose dinner and headed out to Salt Lake. Along the way I was quiet most of the time. I was still thinking about Rachel and the day before and I've realized how much her death has affected my life. I have a lot of fears and anxieties concerning my friends and family, or just everyone in general. I want to make sure people are ok and that nothing bad is going to happen to them. I like to think I can protect everyone even though I can't. So Loren and I talk about this a little and I start bawling like crazy. It's ok though he always knows what to say to make me feel better and put me in a better mood.

So we get to Salt Lake and head out to Temple Square. It was absolutely gorgeous this day! We walk around and go to the North Visitor's Center and try and figure out what movie we want to watch and when they're showing it. We decided on the Joseph Smith movie but that was in a different building and we had about an hour til it started. So we look at all the pictures, and sit in the tabernacle for a while. Then we went down to some food court and got lunch, which wasn't very good at all. Loren was very upset he spent money on this food. Now Loren really isn't a picky eater he'll generally eat anything but he wouldn't even eat half of his food that's how bad it was. I felt bad, but oh well we didn't know it was going to be that bad. Lesson learned I guess. We run over to catch the movie and arrived with literally a minute to spare. Oh my goodness it was incredible!! I cried sooo much throughout the movie but as I was watching it I just knew it was all true. All I felt the whole time was a thankfulness for the fact the the gospel was restored through Joseph Smith and how different my life would be without it. It was just one of the best movies I've ever seen, I want to see it again :)

After the movie we walk around and take some pictures. And by some I mean around 60...hehe I love pictures and Loren was such a good sport about it all. We then went to the Conference Building and took a tour of the garden on top. Although it wasn't very impressive because it's not really the right season for the flowers right now so most of them were dead. They also didn't have any water in any of the whatever they were like they normally do because they're working on them. But the actual building itself was pretty incredible. As we walked through the room with all the heads of the church presidents I immediately started singing the song as I looked at each head... hehe Loren kept calling me a nerd. I told Loren how I really wanted to go to Conference and he said we'll have to see if we can get tickets. We head back to Provo to meet up with Lindsay. We stop at In and Out and it was really good, then we went and watched Charlie St. Cloud... it was lame/weird/creepy/lame. That's pretty much all I can say about the movie. However I started crying so much at the  beginning because the little brother dies in a car wreck by getting hit by an 18 wheeler... talk about something hard to watch. All I could think about was Rachel. That was the hardest part for me to watch. I think I was pretty out of it for most of the movie after that.

After the movie I head back to the apartment and I get a text from Rumpelstilskins as Loren likes to call him haha. So Rumpel is this guy in our ward who I've become friends with... but I'm pretty sure he likes me. Loren somehow has been able to avoid meeting him for about 3 weeks now. Well he was in the game room at our apartment complex and he told me to come visit him. So I bring Loren along.... probably not the best idea now that I think about it, but I really want to get the point across that I care A LOT about Loren and that we are serious about each other. It was probably the most awkward time of my life. Rumpel just sat there and flirted with me in front of Loren, it was making him so mad. Finally I said I'm tired we should get going to bed, we leave and Loren immediately holds me in his arms as tight as he can and just sits there for a long time then finally says I love you so much and I just want to make sure I won't lose you. Such a precious moment!! The next day at church in Priesthood Rumpel sat next to Steve (Loren's roommate) who was sitting next to Loren. The whole time Rumpel was talking to Steve he never once said anything to Loren. Yeah they haven't said anything to each other since they met. I feel bad but I guess I'm not going to forced them to be friends. However while at church I got tickets to the Saturday Session of General Conference!!!! Yaayyy I'm soooo excited for this!!!

Overall the weekend was good, now to the actual part about the title of this blog. So one of Loren's  roommates, Joe, works at the Marriott here in Provo. He told me there were some openings at the hotel and to go and apply for some positions. I finally got around there today. I went in this morning and talked to Maria in Human Resources. I told her what I was interested in and she gave me an application. I left filled it out and went back a few hours later. Maria remembered me and looked at my application in front of me. This was really scary for me. Then she had like a partial interview with me. She asked a few questions about how I would deal with conflict with the people staying there if I had to. If I've ever had to deal with conflict and whether or not I feel capable and like I do it well. The whole time I just kept a smile on my face and had a positive attitude while answering the questions and tried to sound as intelligent as possible. She told me she would put in my application and it should take about 2-3 days. She gave me her card and said if I didn't hear back by Monday then to call her and she'll check on the status of my application. So I've never really applied for a job before, I wasn't sure what this meant. Loren and Steve both told me it was a good sign. They said if she was wanting me to follow up with her then she liked me and will probably be trying to find me a position in the hotel. So that's my wishing, hoping, and praying. I wishing I can get this job. Hoping that I impressed her enough. Praying that I get a call back and am able to get the job! So you all should pray for me too. I feel like this was super long, but I had a lot to say. If I become consistent with this then they won't be this long anymore. Sorry guys, I hope you made it all the way through. Oh and people should really leave me comments so I feel better about myself haha :) Ok that's all later taters!!


Loren said...

That was a really good movie...can't wait to go back again next week for Conference!!